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We’d love to offer you another exclusive one time offer!

Your Mindset Mastery Course includes:
  • 12-modules of FAST TRACKED and PROVEN tools and techniques to help you be super motivated to achieve your goals
  • 5 BONUS mindset videos with amazing life coach Anne McKeown, who specialises in empowering women, and hosted by our Co-Founder, Victoria Black
  • Beautiful motivational downloadable posters and your own personal workbook sheets
  • Your very own printable vision board, gratitude ladder, goal setting charts, affirmations and much, much more
  • Gen's own motivational diet proven by her own success losing 35kg.
Raved about by 1000s of our customers...
we promise you'll love it too...
It's never too late to change your life!
Jan 25, 2018

Losing weight has been a never ending battle for me for more years than I care to remember… Having said this I must say that the SFD way of looking at ‘dieting’ is a breath of fresh air. I have a long way to go but am trying to work on/change my mentality about healthy eating every single day!! One thing I have learned from this awesome supportive program is that it’s never ever too late to change your life! P.S. I’ve only been at this for 3 weeks. The best is yet to come ~ NENE

I am no longer accountable to anyone else by me!
Dec 23, 2017

Once I thought the only way I could lose and maintain my loss was to go into “Deprivation Mode”, drinking disgusting shakes, or eating protein bars,… or boring salads for the rest of my life. I stopped enjoying food, cooking, and going out with friends. Since I’ve joined and taken up the SFD lifestyle, all that has changed. I am no longer accountable to anyone else but me! My big WHY is to be the Healthiest, Happiest and Relaxed version of me I can be. Thank you SFD! ~ SUE

Food doesn't need to be the enemy!
Oct 03, 2018

Food doesn’t need to be your enemy, you can have what you want but just in quantity and if you do have a big food day you can just reset and keep going on the health path choice you’ve chosen. I’m really enjoying taking more notice of what I’m eating and more aware of the food choices I’m making. It’s quite a journey with lots to learn!! I’ve gotta say I also love the support & chit chats on the Facebook page!! ~ MICHAELA

I have finally found freedom!
Dec 28, 2017

I have finally found freedom! I no longer force myself to eat certain foods because they are lower in points or avoid carbs like potatoes as the work of the devil!! I eat healthy foods with some treats and if I have a bad day then I don’t need to stress over it. I just jump back on track. It’s a great feeling! So glad I found this program. It’s helped me so much! Big thank you to Vic & Gen xx ~ SUSAN

ACT FAST: Grab this exclusive offer before time runs out. This offer is not available elsewhere on the site.